武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 桑拿洗浴 Ye Xuan smell speech one leng, he just said that man’s record in the guild is also don’t want Tao Zhiwen to continue to arrogance and slander himself, but now Mo Tianyuan has given him an army instead of asking.

Ye Xuan smell speech one leng, he just said that man’s record in the guild is also don’t want Tao Zhiwen to continue to arrogance and slander himself, but now Mo Tianyuan has given him an army instead of asking.

After holding it for a few seconds, he naively replied, "I can’t do anything …"
Tao Zhiwen couldn’t help but feel happy when he looked at the snacks. He just wanted to say two words that were not obedient when he heard Mo Tianyuan continue to say to that Ye Xuan, "That’s not enough. Let’s play this game just to send away the time. It’s nothing to run long and short. Besides, what strength does others have? That’s his business and what do you have? It is the most serious to have your own level. "
"Just that play is just contact feelings. We didn’t want to embarrass you …"
Mo Tianyuan’s words are not finished, but Ye Xuan will hear one leng one leng.
Damn it! Just now, the discussion was to contact feelings? Think of me as an idiot! ? If you really thought it was a friendship, why didn’t you just hang up after I finished …
With his mouth open, Ye Xuan didn’t spit out a word for a long time, but he really couldn’t figure out how to interface this, because he felt that whatever he said seemed to be wrong.
After a long time, Mo Tianyuan took the lead in saying, "Tell me something about your temple."
This Ye Xuan Ye Cheng’s entry into the online game means that the player’s strength is not weak in the classic mode. However, he has always remembered that his guild’s achievements in the dazzling flying mode made him enter the online game classic mode. It seems that he didn’t pay much attention.
Although Ye Xuan lost just now, he can easily run to 50,000 meters, which is not bad. In addition, he emphasized that the great god who can run to more than 100,000 meters, whether it is true or not, but Mo Tianyuan really had some curiosity about this temple Wei Brake Association.
Hearing this, the teenager who just defeated himself asked about the guild situation. Ye Xuan seemed to have been collecting treasures and was praised by others. He was a little embarrassed. Looking at the front, the teenager felt that he was not so annoying and nodded and said, "Nowadays, cool running is so popular every day. In addition to those professional competition clubs with mobile competition divisions, many people’s cool running masters have spontaneously organized some cool running guild organizations …"
"The situation of eye mobile competition is still good, and it looks more and more standardized. Many high-end players who have profound attainments in cool running want to be together because they have no chance to join those large-scale competition clubs. For this reason, it seems that it is not surprising to form some classes of mobile competition clubs."
"Many guilds focus on the cool running mode, which is not the same as our temple temple. The main focus is the dazzling flying mode, and here I am sure that there is really no such thing as our guild organization in the dazzling flying mode!"
Speaking of this, Ye Xuan’s mouth is slightly raised, and it seems to him that it is a very proud thing to be able to join the Temple Wei Brake.
Seeing this little guy seems to bother Tao Zhiwen again, but I can see that he is also listening to Ye Xuan carefully.
Tao Zhiwen’s face is disdainful to be clearly seen by Ye Xuan, but it seems that he is not ready to see this little dispute. He took a breath and continued, "Of course, there are fewer players in the flying mode, and naturally our guild is the only one, but in other modes, you should have heard of some state-owned organizations?"
Mo Tianyuan smell speech shook his head. He didn’t join any professional club. On weekdays, due to the tight school work, he didn’t pay much attention to some status quo in the mobile competition circle after the daily routine cool running training. Ye Xuan naturally didn’t know when he asked.
414 Chapter 414 A long way to go
Tao Zhiwen, who is sitting opposite, is also embarrassed at this time. Although he is in a club in Xingcheng, the small local club is like a joke. The name of the club is almost isolated from the world, and there is no backup in the mobile competition association. For these top organizations in China, he just knows a few large competition clubs.
But in order not to let Ye Xuan feel that he knows, he still crustily skin of head replied, "Well, I know a few but not many."
At the moment, Ye Xuan didn’t pay attention to whether this little one really knew, but continued to say, "Similar to the classic model, there are some well-known civil organizations in China, such as Backhand Party, 71 Guild, E Guild and so on. According to insiders, each of the top strong in these organizations has enough strength to rival Xie Xiaofeng, Ling Han and Yu Xi …"
Smell speech Mo Tianyuan was surprised to open his mouth. Xie Xiaofeng knows the strength of these people, and his heart is also very clear. These people have been working hard in professional circles all the year round. They can maintain their long-lasting status and their horrible level is directly related. If a great people can have the strength to match them, I have to say that this is simply unbelievable.
It’s like an amateur track and field player has the speed of Liu Xiang; It’s like an unprofessional basketball player with Kobe Bryant’s strength …
"In the extreme speed mode, the well-known organization in China is the crazy team, and the attack mode is relatively strong. It is an English guild named’ Family’. Because there are not many people playing these two modes and most of the competitions are in the classic mode, the number of civil organizations in other modes is much less except for the classic mode. I know that these are just a few, but they all focus on the leaders of the model countries," Ye Xuan continued.
"Berserker clan family guild ….." Mo Tianyuan pondered these names slightly. He vaguely felt a little familiar. I don’t know where I heard of them. Now he can’t help but feel that his understanding of the game field in China is like playing a new world.
In the long run, the development of any kind of competitive online games can not be separated from the large-scale competitive clubs, and only then can they afford the training and training of professional players. This inherent model seems to have been deeply rooted in the competitive circle. It promotes the development of competition and also produces many indispensable disadvantages, just like a large monopoly organization can’t let other small fish and shrimp have a share.
This has also caused many competitive club owners to act arbitrarily, similar to Qiao Yongfu, the boss of the imperial club, who was criticized by many candidates, but he was taken for his ability
This inherent model is a pool of stagnant water, which stimulates all candidates to adapt to this rule if they want to live, or they will be eliminated. The rigid model is like a sinking night, and almost nothing can change this situation.
However, with the development of mobile competition, the original large-scale competition needs only one mobile phone to meet the daily training of players, which can be said to be very convenient. Almost everyone has something without the mobile phone, and the training equipment costs a lot. This problem has also spawned many like-minded gamers to come together. In this case, it is not surprising that these non-governmental organizations appear.
The official competition has a wide range of members, and not only professional players can participate. Anyone who believes that they are strong enough can come to this stage to show their talents. The appearance of these non-governmental organizations has brought many benefits to the development of mobile competition. In a way, they can stimulate those professional players to advance further.
Thought of here, Mo Tianyuan suddenly recalled a few classic model organizations that Ye Xuan said just now: "Backhand Party … 71 Guild, E Guild, these organizations don’t know whether they will participate in this Super League. If some of them can make it to the online competition, they are afraid that the pattern of this online finals may not be under the control of the professional clubs such as the imperial dynasty and the wind shadow."
It depends on what place you can get in the league. Everyone may think that the final champion must be produced among Xie Xiaofeng and Ling Han, but with these unprofessional high-end players joining at that time, the competition field will inevitably be full of variables! It will be another feast of dancing with demons!
When I saw Mo Tianyuan and Tao Zhiwen, both of them were listening carefully to their explanations. Ye Xuan’s face brought up a smile, as if he was well informed and secretly pleased. He continued, "I have heard that because the development of mobile competition in our country is very hot, it is no longer limited to Chinese netizens among these mobile competitors. Even many people abroad are playing, and it is the most important thing for those players abroad to play mobile games!"
"Imagine how cool it would be if one day the official could organize a world event similar to League of Legends S League, and then it would be in front of the world’s players …" At this point, Ye Xuan seemed to be intoxicated, as if he was looking forward to the arrival of the Cool Run World Tournament one day.
At this time, the gap between the three people is much smaller than just now. Seeing Ye Xuan’s expectation, Mo Tianyuan smiled and said, "Where is it so easy to make a mobile game have a world league?" I don’t think our generation can see it. "
For example, the former flurry team participated in those world-class competitive competitions, and all of them have been operating for a few years and have a large number of players around the world. This is the basis for holding the world league, and the development of eye-catching mobile competition is only in the past two years. It is a long way to go to make a mobile game have enough influence to fascinate players around the world.
Even though running coolly every day is very hot now, the players are mostly Chinese young people, and there are few foreign players … hmm? Wait!
Mo Tianyuan suddenly thought that it seems that he just listened to Ye Xuan’s novel, and now there are many players abroad who play games. Is it cool running every day?
415 Chapter 415 Cool Run Hall of Fame
This situation may be true!
Game borders, otherwise lol, Crossing the Fire Line and other large-scale competitions will not have an overwhelming number of fans in the world, and these large-scale competitions can make the world players love mobile games. Why not?
Maybe it’s a good end to run outward every day!
But this process is bound to be a long one, and the life cycle of mobile games is very short. It is hard to say whether it can wait until that day, but it is also a good thing, isn’t it? The proliferation of players is radioactive and will gradually increase …
Thought of here, a young man’s face suddenly appeared in Mo Tianyuan’s mind. It was the captain of the South Korean lis team, and it was he who led the lis team to take the championship trophy from the flurry team.
"What would it be like to compete with this guy on a world-class stage and run cool every day?" Mo Tianyuan shook his head and smiled. When the competition changed from a large online game to a mobile competition, I don’t know if it would look so funny like a warrior sword turned into a rotten bamboo pole …
However, this situation should not happen. After all, the field of national hand travel has just started …
"At some point, I digress." Ye Xuan laughed at himself as if he finally remembered the question Mo Tianyuan asked himself just now, just to introduce himself to a temple, said ehud Shapiro.
"The former competitive games are all attended by professional players of competitive clubs. I’m afraid this situation should be changed. We civil organization players are not vegetarians! Take what I told you just now, the great god in our guild who can run to 100,000 meters. He once ran in the Cool Run Hall of Fame and won the first place in the cool fly mode. "
Every time Ye Xuan rises to the Temple Wei Brake, his face will involuntarily bring up a sense of pride. Obviously, it is a very glorious thing for him to be a member of the Temple Wei Brake. However, Mo Tianyuan, who is sitting next to him at the moment, did not notice his arrogance. Instead, look at me. Let me look at your face …
"What’s that … Cool Run Hall of Fame?" Finally Mo Tianyuan took the lead in asking according to his curiosity.
Mo Tianyuan changed to Ye Xuan instead after asking this question.
He was dumbfounded and asked, "You don’t even know the Cool Run Hall of Fame, do you?"

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