武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶论坛 It didn’t stir up at that time, and I’m dying!

It didn’t stir up at that time, and I’m dying!

There’s also a voice behind it that says that you can buy the same copy online? Are you imitating your uncle? I searched all over the net root, and there are no two or three thousand models! It’s true that when others think you are stupid, you admit that you are stupid, but you can find such a one-to-one imitation when you search the internet with your fingers.
Look at the pictures carefully. I took the anti-counterfeiting logo!
The advanced piano anti-counterfeiting logo will not be particularly obvious. I have made a high-contrast display. I believe everyone can see it clearly in the picture! This piano is a genuine Steinway limited ebony triangle, and it’s really the one that was auctioned in the stratosphere!
There are many words behind, and Shen An can’t read them. He feels his ears buzzing.
His mind went blank, and there were many people who echoed it. Those who once loved others are now cursing him at the edge of this post.
There are also many people defending him, but everyone has lost it, and this matter has become a mess.
Shen An turned over several topics and found that besides this topic, there were personal attacks on him. They called him "a bitch who eats human blood steamed bread."
Some people even insulted him with the words "seduce a rich businessman and prostitute"
Shen An has never seen such a way.
He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t understand. It’s just two days without the internet. He can’t understand anything, and the world has changed.
Those people used to call him Xiao Wang, but now …
They called him a bitch.
Shen An felt a little hard to breathe. When he came to his senses, he found that he was crying.
His tears were hot, but his heart was unbearably cold. He slipped against the door and sat down on the ground. He held his knees and cried all over, but he was afraid to cry.
He didn’t dare to show Fu Fengning these topics.
Among those who abused him was a prostitute who seduced a wealthy businessman. He was the prostitute, so that wealthy businessman must mean Fu Fengning … They didn’t seem to know it was Fu Fengning.
Shen An hoped that they would never know!
He is so scared, so scared, so scared that he is afraid that he will bring trouble to Fu Fengning, and he is also afraid that this matter will bring consequences to him and Fu Fengning.
He was so scared that he cried out of breath.
Just then he heard Fu Fengning gently knocking at the door behind him. Are you okay? "
You have something to say.
Thank you, "Ally" Ray, thank you, "Mo Ming Riding Meow, Ai Bai" nutrient solution, thank you for subscribing to support the refill core-
Chapter 15 Chapter 15
Hearing the sound of Fu Fengning outside the door, Shen An curled up and shook more violently. He covered his mouth tightly with his hands for fear of leaking out through the cracks in his fingers and being heard by Fu Fengning.
He gasped deeply and tried to adjust his breath to answer Fu Fengning.
Outside, Fu Fengning said in a low voice, "An An?"
Shen An hurriedly "well" a, ending with a trembling he staggered up to the washstand and turned on the tap "I’m … washing my face … Uncle Fu …"
Fu Fengning was silent for a moment. When Shen An Fu Fengning left, Fu Fengning sounded again. "Don’t worry, Uncle Fu is outside."
Shen An washed his face several times and found that his red and swollen eyes could not go away.
He was anxious and afraid, and he was in a hurry. The towel was twisted with water to apply it. After ten minutes, he felt that it was not appropriate to go out again. He only went out with his head down with his eyes still on.
He lowered his head, and when he washed his hands, he saw Fu Fengning’s slender straight legs standing outside his door. At Fu Fengning, Shen An looked up and seemed to be scalded, shattered glass moved away from his sight.
Fu Fengning approached Shen An and leaned slightly. "An An’s mood is not right. Tell Uncle Fu?"
Shen Anwen seemed to be nailed to the ground, and did not dare to move. He looked at Fu Fengning in panic, and his lips moved speechless.
Fu Fengning again in the previous step, gently bring Shen An into his arms, rubbing his head "with Uncle Fu here, don’t be afraid of anything, huh? Talk to Uncle Fu? Is it difficult for someone at home or have you quarreled with your friends? "
Shen An used to hold back his tears and fears, but now Fu Fengning brought him into his warm arms, and Shen An felt wronged suddenly.
His mind kept expanding, and those people insulted those words like a deafening and arrogant invasion of every strand of his conscious mind.
Shen An couldn’t help sobbing in Fu Fengning’s arms anymore, crying out of broken pots and broken falls. "Uncle Fu … I’m sorry … Uncle Fu … I’m in trouble for you … I’m so stupid … I’m in trouble for you … Blare … it’s all my fault … I’ll … after this holiday …"
Before Shen An could speak, his body suddenly felt weightless. He was so scared that he grabbed Fu Fengning’s collar and realized that he was picked up by Fu Fengning.
Fu Fengning sat in front of the sofa in three or two steps and put his arm around Shen An. Shen An’s thin body shrank in his arms and looked at him with tears on his face at the moment.
Shen An canthus and shed two lines of tears "after this holiday … I will … I will leave your home … network … many people talk about … not nice … I … I don’t care … but Uncle Fu is a big shot … I can’t break his name … meowed …"
Shen An cried and felt breathless, and turned black at the moment.
He vaguely felt a warm hand rubbing the corner of his eye, holding his face and whispering his name.
It took about ten minutes for Shen An to return to absolute being. He nestled in Fu Fengning’s arms and weakly shouted "Uncle Fu …"
Fu Fengning whispered, "Look at Uncle Fu in peace."
Shen An upturned face slightly pale lips slightly open due to lack of oxygen.
He saw Fu Fengning’s eyes looking at him gently and asked, "Did An An say it was online discussion?"
Shen An sobbed nose "you can see … I’m sorry … Uncle Fu … I’m sorry … I’m sorry …"
Shen An almost masochistic red eyes admit his mistake over and over again, and his voice is getting weaker and weaker.
Fu Fengning holds Shen An’s face. "Baby, uncle Fu knows that Anan doesn’t apologize … listen to uncle Fu first, okay?"
Shen An looked blankly at Fu Fengning. He called him baby …
Shen An "hmm" a little nervous.
The third list also called him baby, but Shen An felt numb when he saw those words.
But Fu Fengning told him … His apex seemed to be scratched by feathers.
Fu Fengning’s smile made Shen An’s tense spirit relax a little. Fu Fengning’s voice sounded very low, as if he was afraid of disturbing someone. "Uncle Fu did see it, but he didn’t take it to heart. This kind of thing was normal. I didn’t know Ann before, but now there are so many people with different differences. Now there are more and more people, and the characteristics of many people are fully manifested. This is because of the diversity of the world and the difference of group consciousness, not because Ann is not good, but because everyone wants to hurt Ann because they live in different environments and look at things differently in this world.
Shen An wait for a while didn’t understand his little repetition "the world … diversity … and … group consciousness … difference …" for a moment.
Fu Fengning holds Shen An’s face patiently, like the best kindergarten teacher enlightens the inexperienced children in the biggest package. "I am very good to the baby and very clever. I remember the key points so quickly. The world diversity is the difference of world diversity, such as spring flowers, autumn moon, summer cicada and winter snow; Group differences, such as the same flower, some people will "fall in love with the country" and some people will "be afraid that the flowers will be red and wet", and these two points will show up in an’s already large fan base, so that An can see three kinds of people: the first one is people who like you, the second one is people who hate you, and the third one is people who are indifferent to you.
Fu Fengning’s words are well-founded. As soon as Shen An’s attention was attracted by him, he briefly looked at the fear and measures that were swept by the label "bitch/bitch".
Fu Fengning wrapped his big hand in Shen Anbing’s cold hand. He bowed his head and continued to talk with Shen An. "These three kinds of people, Uncle Fu’s department, have seen people who like peace at most, followed by indifferent comments on bystanders, followed by people who are not obedient, and these people are usually called" black powder "on the Internet."

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