武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 "When we were just sent to the fallen city by the virtual dragon, everything was normal. Director Yuan brought in three groups of people. He divided these people into three districts of the city. I was with the director. This city is not the same as we imagined, but the danger is not great. Just when Director Yuan wanted to inform you to come in, God appeared."

"When we were just sent to the fallen city by the virtual dragon, everything was normal. Director Yuan brought in three groups of people. He divided these people into three districts of the city. I was with the director. This city is not the same as we imagined, but the danger is not great. Just when Director Yuan wanted to inform you to come in, God appeared."

"They said we were intruders, and we went into the path to escape, so we were separated."
He said this with considerable credibility, and this morning, when he read out the sins, he also called Taotao an intruder.
What about the character "Taotao"? Face information is not yuan ling "
Li Guang "maybe the director accidentally left it when he fled, and the paper fell into the hands of the Shi Shen’s envoy. Maybe again, Director Yuan himself fell into the hands of the Shi Shen’s envoy."
Luo Hou suddenly went to lift the coffee table in the hall. He couldn’t lift it by himself, calling Taotao "Bell ringer, come and do me a favor."
Tao Tao Bai, he has something to say and helped him carry the coffee table into the back room.
"This man has a problem" Luo Hou glanced at the door.
Qilan brought a glass of water and Li Guang sat at the table to drink it.
Luo Hou "Yuan Ling will never leave important things behind in a critical situation. If he is so careless, the director will be wasted in these years. Secondly, Bao Shi and I can escape from the pursuit of God. How can Yuan Ling be caught? If he is caught, the man outside will not be safe. "
"The last symbol is the special evil magic method of Hualing Academy, which enables a spiritual teacher to symbolize. Since the word appears, say that the man is a ghost. Is he from the Special Bureau?"
Taotao: "The Secret Service and external spiritual teachers have all been screened for background. If there is any problem with his background, the Secret Service will be able to screen it out unless he is a fake Li Guang …"
Wang Debao poked his head through the door. "One more thing, I think you should know that I have been looking at men for many years. This surname Li should be a handsome guy, which is unreasonable."
Taotao "What is the temperament of a handsome guy?"
Wang Debao waved his hand and said, "You don’t understand."
Taotao pondered for a while and stared at Li Guang "testing him" outside the door.
Three people went to the hall, and Wang Debao and Luo Hou held Li Guang by one arm and held him to the ground.
The sudden change startled Qilan, and she was at a loss.
Taotao rode on Li Guang’s body. "Is the little thing wearing a mask? Huh? "
She stretched out her hand to pull Li Guang’s face, but she couldn’t pull anything. She looked at the glass in Qilan’s hand and "give me the water."
Qilan hurriedly handed him a peach to Li Guang’s face.
It is reasonable to say that most masks will show their true colors when they meet water, but his face has not changed at all.
Luo Hou "may be skinned alive to make a mask. If you touch it, you should be able to touch the suture near the clavicle."
Taotao untied Li Guang’s clothes and felt around his chest.
Wang Debao stared at Li Guang’s rough and dark chest and suddenly felt as if he had misjudged.
How can a handsome guy have such a chest?
"No?" Taotao said, "Will you peel off the whole human skin and sew it on the soles of your feet?"
Li Guang "…"
She took off Li Guang’s shoes and socks and looked at the soles of his feet and found nothing unusual. "I know!" she assured. It must be illusion! Just as I pretended to be Zhu Yan in the wild prison, the secret service is cautious and wearing a mask is easy to be found. The illusion is different. Nangong-"
She waved to Nangong Chen, "Come and see if he has lost his magic?"
The nangongshan dust power there is no illusion in the world that can escape his eyes.
Li Guang was lying on his back on the ground, and his ceramic tile back was cold.
The man doesn’t look aggressive, but when he stares at him, he tells Li Guang that he has a feeling of being completely seen through.
The nangongshan dust looked at him for a long time peach peach stretched out his hand in front of his eyes waved the "? Is it illusion? "
The nangongshan dust back eyes light way "no"
As soon as this was said, the three of them let go and turned their heads, as if they were not my business and didn’t bother me.
Li Guang was disheveled and his face was full of water. "I didn’t finish my words just now …"
"… the siege of us is not only to serve the gods, but also to have a dark spiritual teacher. We have a group of five dark spiritual teachers. Look for the staff of the Special Bureau. I just narrowly escaped a robbery, director Yuan. They are likely to have been brought into the city."
Taotao frowned. "This is the last three hundred pieces of debris. The Dark Spirit Master should really come, but the debris is in the hands of the Lord God of the city. What should the Dark Spirit Master go to find the Lord God to find the Special Bureau? Are the dark masters in cahoots with the so-called Lord God? "
"I’m sorry I misunderstood you just now." Luo Hou pulled Li Guang up and patted him on the shoulder. "It makes sense if there is a dark spiritual master there. The dark spiritual master estimated that the secret agents died in the secret service years ago."
Li Guang smiled gently. "It’s okay. I didn’t know about the secret service and the dark spirit master."
Luo Hou asked Taotao, "What are you going to do? Still looking for the wind? "
"Don’t wait for him first," Taotao thought. "If Yuanling, as Li Guang said, is likely to have entered the city, most of them will run. If they are fine, they will set their sights on the city sooner or later. If they have something to do, they will see you in the city."
Wang Debao woke her up that "there are still seven days before the day of a crime, and the city wall is indestructible unless you serve the gods to lead the way."
Taotao "Is there no other way?"
Qi Lan raised his hand weakly. "Maybe there is another way."
Taotao looked at her "you say"
"It’s the sixth day, and it’s not clear that you came to the fallen city for a short time. On the sixth day of each month, the Lord God will find 72 virgins in the city and bring them into the city."
Taotao "What is this?"
Qilan "is said to be a virgin’s holy power to purify sin"
Taotao is dumbfounded. "How to purify it?"

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