武汉桑拿论坛,武汉品茶网,武汉夜网论坛 品茶 Gu Man smiled and asked Grandma Yi, "What does Grandma send watermelon in winter now?"

Gu Man smiled and asked Grandma Yi, "What does Grandma send watermelon in winter now?"

Grandma leng leng smiled. "We can’t send fruits and vegetables in this village in winter. Even if we send them, we will send some pheasants, rabbits and other game. It’s hard to grow there."
Gu Man thought for a moment and then looked up at Wang with a smile. "Let me take care of this village, will you?"
She had previously heard from Wang’s conversation with Aunt Yi that this village is located in a mountain in Jiangxi Province. It is easy to draw water and irrigate by mountains and rivers, and the land there is loess, which is acid soil in modern terms. She once lived there and knew what to plant there to harvest.
Wang also said earlier that this village can send some fresh fruits every summer and some game every winter, and it won’t get such a good condition of 1,200 silver all the year round. If a village is well cared for, it may not have such a little income.
But that’s why Wang didn’t sell this village, right?
Wang and the three old ladies were all the same, and they couldn’t help smiling after wait for a while.
Smiling, Wang took her to his side and laughed, "How did you think of going to Guanzhuang as a child? Do you know what this village is for? This village is thousands of miles away, and you can manage it? "
Gu Man seems to have really taken Wang’s hand in pettish. "Mother, why don’t you let me try?" Three girls in Ouyang’s family raised excellent green vegetables in Zhuangke earlier. I may not be able to do it! "
It turned out that the children’s family was fighting, and Wang had never seen Gu Man coquetry like a child. Now, seeing her like this, her heart has long been soft. Plus, this village is sold to everyone without necessarily buying it, so she smiled and agreed, "If you want to take care of it, you should have more heart. Don’t let us eat watermelon next summer."
This is promised to Gu Man’s heart. He nodded and agreed to think for a while, and then told his grandmother, "Grandma, you can stay here for a few days. I’ll tell you what to plant in the village in a few days."
Aunt Yi walked over and looked at her face with kindness.
Gu Man thought about it for a few days, and finally he went to see his grandmother when he understood everything. "Grandma, I thought about it. Isn’t there fifty acres of land in our village? Let’s set aside 20 acres to plant taro and 20 acres to plant sweet potatoes, and we can harvest another 10 acres in winter. Grandma will plant some fresh vegetables first, cabbage or maple vegetables, and we can wait until the next spring to plant some soybeans or plant ten acres of peach seedlings. "
It took grandma yi a while to react. It was not easy for a girl and a child to have such knowledge to know these crops, but she hesitated at the thought of her saying that she planted sweet potatoes.
Sweet potato was introduced from the western regions, and it is still a problem whether it can be raised in the south or not.
Seeing that Aunt Yi hesitated and Gu Man knew what she was worried about, she smiled. "Does Grandma think that sweet potatoes are not easy to feed in Nanfu?"
Grandma yi wanted to say yes, but Ji Lu couldn’t say anything when she touched Gu Man’s sparkling peach eyes and hit her.
Gu Man smiled to comfort Grandma Yi. "Grandma can rest assured to do as I say, that is, if I don’t live for a long time, I will never care about Zhuang dialect again."
Grandma Yi looked at Gu Man’s confidence, which was not good. It really hit her confidence. She smiled and nodded her head, but she still didn’t believe it.
Gu Man naturally saw that Aunt Yi was Wang’s nanny for the first time. Although I have never seen her myself, I have heard that Ayi is the only person who dares to accept Wang Tingran’s body. Ayi is the daughter who was taught by Aunt Yi. If Aunt Yi can be taught so well, she must be a person of her word.
It’s time to plan for the future.
One hundred and forty adventures
After several days of rectification, Wang has completely established his prestige in Hou Fu.
Gu Yan sat in front of the door and blew in the corridor. The boxwood chair creaked.
Not far away, there was a swing hanging by the camphor tree, swinging with the wind, and a cat jumped on its head, and was startled by the too fast shaking speed, and then jumped elsewhere.
She frowned and was very unhappy.
I’ve been here for five or six years, and Wang has always been half dead. The root is a soft persimmon that can’t be soft anymore, but now Wang seems to be a completely different person.
Simply and neatly, the people in the kitchen were changed, but in the end, the old lady couldn’t even say a reprimand.
Her attitude towards Gu Boqi was even more upside down. Gu Boqi was her weakness before, but now she seems to care about Gu Boqi no longer.
Is it true that mother is strong?
Thought of here, despite the smoke, it is not vulgar to think of that little guy looking dignified and strong.
Gu Chengfeng has been born for a month now. Jade Snow is cute and clever. Don’t rush directly to pick up four swords during the week. His family is amazed. He keeps boasting that he will be a top scholar in the future and make the old lady happy.
Now that I have Di Gu Boqi, I don’t seem to be as concerned about Gu Chengyu as before.
Originally said to help Gu Chengyu enter the state prison as a tribute student. Now, after all this trouble, the Wang family will help Gu Chengyu plan because of Gu Boqi.
Gu Yan thought of these beautiful faces and a faint sadness emerged.
With Wang’s strength, his situation is getting worse.
Once upon a time, because of Wang’s obedience to Gu Boqi, he felt somewhat in front of Wang, and Wang was especially kind to himself in order to please Gu Boqi. It was the same for him to eat and wear, to care for Gu Zhao, and there was no difference.
But now, although Wang seems to be the same to himself, Gu Yan has been sensitive to the difference between the people in the government and Gu Man.
They are more respectful to Gu Man and more cautious, but they are somewhat impatient and perfunctory when they treat themselves.
This is definitely not a good sign.
Gu Yan couldn’t help recalling the day when Gu Zhaoqu came from hundreds of years ago and should not appear in this contemporary music.
Is Gu Zhao a traveler or not?
Is it her hard time emerging?
If so, she must be Wang’s daughter.
All these things put together is a mess, and Gu Yan seems to be tightly trapped inside.
She looked at the sky with a sigh, and the light water vapor in her foggy eyes seemed very melancholy.
Next to the girls, I can’t help but sigh. Now the eleven girls are really more exquisite and beautiful!
Family girls are all good-looking. Gu Zhao is gentle and dignified, Gu Qing is glowing, and Gu Man is still small, but we can also see that she will be truly beautiful in the future. Now eleven girls are even more like Gu Man, and it seems that she is not far behind.
It’s a pity that it’s an ordinary girl after all!
Her wet nurse hsu sighed and laughed before "girl! I’ve been sitting here for a long time carefully, and I just sent some watermelons from my wife’s place. I’ve ordered Yunyun to take them to the well and bring them to you now? "
It’s the Wang family again. It seems that there is a Wang family who has these things. Gu Yan is agitated and rubs his temples lightly and nods his head.
When Xu saw that she was unhappy, she also knew that she was no more scheming than the average person, and she dared not say anything more about innuendo. "What’s bothering the girl who has been sitting here for a long time today?"

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